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As you know, we own a Media Company and we work from our home (which isn’t tiny – YET). Working for ourselves is ESSENTIAL for us to be able to go tiny and live free.  One of the perks of my job (and the fact that I love it so much) is that I get to be creative!  A piece of our company is Online Reputation Management.  What does that mean?  We make your business look good online to the people who may require your products or services.  We brand your online appearance and help you get noticed. With the creation of different media elements, we bring your business to life through videos, social media posts, sharing other related content, etc.  This creates content for your business and shows you are relevant and an authority in your field.


Because of that, I’m always practicing with the elements on my computer and testing them out.  Of course, I use my very favorite specimens to sharpen my skills in video, audio & photoshop editing… My family!  Here’s a fun video we put together about our “Not So Tiny Go Tiny Living Bunch”.  Enjoy!

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